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Meet our CEO...

My name is Mireille Hyacinthe, and I am a certified Herbalist. My journey to a healthy lifestyle began when I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure in 2003.

Raising children, working full time, and going to college can wreak the up most havoc on the human body. Following my diagnoses with high blood pressure came the medications, a never-ending cycle most unfortunate people never break.
Throughout the years of being on constant medication my body swelled up, from my feet to my ankles all the way up to my fingers. Unfortunately, the swelling never went down but it never discouraged me and my pursuit to a healthy and happy lifestyle. Which later lead me to my nursing board test, a major goal I’ve been studying for most of my college career to achieve.
However, my blood pressure never went down but instead kept on rising and rising to the point of me having a mini stroke and being hospitalized leaving me unable to take my test. After being in the hospital for 3 weeks I was discharged and prescribed even more medication. Knowing what was waiting for me in this cycle of pain I jumped the gun and went looking for a natural remedy to better my life for good. Hours of searching and experimenting lead me to an online course about herbs and natural remedies, after completing the course I went on to making these remedies.
First being blood pressure and then kidney medication. After making them I then proceeded to subject myself to a 3-month kidney cleanse and a 1-year blood pressure detox while changing everything I eat. Leading on to now 2022 not only have I healed myself, my families, and my friend of blood pressure but now I own a company called hyacinthe herb which specializes on cleansing and renewing the body of are clients.